Monday, April 11, 2011

Rosetta Stone

Have you ever wondered why the Bible was written over such a long period of time, by so many different authors?  True, God inspired every word, by why through so many people.

I have a theory on that.  (Yes. I know.  That astounds you. )

I mentioned before that God doesn't speak English.  Or any language in particular.  Let's face it.  Language is limited.  We have to condense loaded concepts into a few sounds and syllables or, in the case of the written word, a few letters.  For example: if I say chair, I have in my mind a specific chair, BUT, the odds that you are thinking of the same chair (or even one CLOSE to the same) are extremely slim.  I have to go into detail.  I'm thinking of a red, leather, High-Backed arm chair.

Even this only gets you close to what I'm picturing.  . . .  I digress.  Language is limited and I don't believe that God is limited to it.

So.  That means that He must speak through concepts and character.  The problem with that is that each person that speaks or writes God's word, inevitably "flavors" it with part of his or her own character, in expressions of the concept as it best makes sense to him or her, in his or her own time period.

So, if God wants to express that He is about to send relief for a situation in the life of a poor farmer in the sixteenth century, He might give a vision of a group of people brining oxen to meet him.  This vision would only confuse you or me.  However, He might give a vision of Habitat for Humanity workers, or remind us of a clip of a Home Makeover episode, or even remind us of a time when someone helped us with something.  Whatever He did, it would be specific to us and could be expressed with the heart of God's intent.

So how do you teach people how to recognize the "voice" of God if He doesn't speak in language.

 *Big Smile*

Spend thousands of years talking to all kinds of different people so that there are enough different kinds of messages and communications that the common thread can be recognized.

Do you have a favorite painter, poet, singer, etc. . . ?  Have you experienced enough of your favorite artist's work to recognize his or her particular style in an unfamiliar work?

The Bible is a HUGE collection of God's work.  If you will spend time reading it or listening to it, you will begin to recognize the "common thread."  That is "sound" of God's Voice.  And He is still speaking today, to you.

That is why it is SO important to spend time in the Word!
It is our "Rosetta Stone" to learn how to recognize and understand when God speaks to us.

****shhhh.  listen.  God just said He loves you!   ;)

1 comment:

  1. I put a link in there to a site that explains the Oxen reference.
