We have a Mimosa tree in our back yard. It started out small (as they all do) and has been growing for the last few years. My wife really likes them so we let it grow. It is right outside our back door and has gotten remarkably large.
We also have a back porch. Maybe you can see where this is going.
Mimosa trees have a tap root. the root frequently travels horizontally just under the surface of the ground. In the case of trees near houses, the root has been known to damage foundations. In the case of our house and tree, the root went under the outside edge of the back porch. At some point in the past, before we owned the house, someone had extended the foundation under the porch. Well, now you can clearly see where they did that because the root has pushed the newest part up leaving a very noticeable ledge.
The point I'm after is this: sometimes we let things into our lives, things that we like, enjoy, or just don't think about, and those things seem harmless at the moment. But we must be constantly searching, allowing the Holy Spirit to examine all things in all areas in our lives, so that those things do not begin to develop entrenching roots. These roots (as harmless as the tree may seem) can grow strong at foundation level and cause damage that is not easily repaired.
Little chats with friends to catch up with each others' lives are alright, but if they go unchecked they can lead to a little bit of gossip, which can lead to a lot of gossip, which can lead to rumors and betrayals of confidence. I realize that that example may seem a little extreme, but that is how the beast works. It doesn't happen all at once. It happens an inch at a time, day by day, foot by foot. You don't see the real problem until it has caused damage.
We have had this tree for years and have been noticing problems with our porch for a while now. We only just realized that the Mimosa was the cause. This could have been avoided by transplanting the tree when it first started growing, or by reading up on Mimosas when we first noticed it growing so close to the house. We just saw a "baby tree" and thought that it was neat.
Check your life. Look for things while they are new in your life and check them out in the word and in prayer.
Don't let a new video game become a lifestyle that ruins your sense of time management. Don't let a love for reading do the same. Or a new desire to write. :)
I did not post yesterday because I had begun to let things slide around the house. I was determined to
not miss a day, which is a good goal in itself, but when it took the place of more important things, I had to make choices. Writing, reading, and other hobbies are okay, but only if they are kept in their proper place in our list of priorities.
God bless you all.
In all things moderation... including moderation :)