This happened several years ago, but it made an impression.
A pastor associated with our church came one Sunday. He was on his way to be the pastor of a new church that needed one so Pastor Jack, our pastor, invited him to come and be blessed and sent to that church. At the end of the service Pastor Jack called him up and told the church that anyone who felt that they had a word from God for the man should come and share it after they were done praying. So I figured that it would be neat to have a word, so I asked God for one. I heard "b. . . . .capital B. . . . . . .Blessings with a capital B . . . . in music. . . . . . . . .Tell him."
. . .So I'm like: ok. . .that's cool I guess. (but in the back of my mind I'm thinking that I'd really like a vision or something. You know, 'cause they sound more like they're from God than "Blessings with a capital 'B'")
Hang on for a sec:
I saw a red velvet pillow. It was square and trimmed with gold fringe and tassels on each corner, and it was spinning end over end in the darkness. I watched as it flew toward an old wicker-framed rocking chair. The chair was empty, but it was rocking anyway. The pillow flew over the chair, turned horizontal, and lowered very slowly into the seat of the chair. Then the chair stopped rocking and I saw something shiny and transparent rising out of the cushion. As it rose up I realized that it was a ghost-like raccoon poised with arms spread out and standing on one leg. AND SMILING! (I know, I know, but it's what I saw.) The raccoon looked at me and held one hand out in my direction, palm up, and out of his hand rose up a crystal grenade. The grenade lifted up and hovered above his hand and began spinning faster and faster and as it spun it began changing shape the way clay changes on a potter's wheel. It turned into a trumpet. And then I heard God say "You wanted a vision so you got one. Now go tell the man that I'm going to bless him with a capital B in music."
So I did. I found out the next week at a meeting when I shared this that the man was really concerned about his new church because they didn't have a worship team and he was going to have to use CD's for a while. Well we used a lot of CD music that Sunday and then God gave me that word for him. God is soooo Cool! And personal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A raccoon with a grenade. . . .I don't ask for visions after I already have a word anymore. :)

A pastor associated with our church came one Sunday. He was on his way to be the pastor of a new church that needed one so Pastor Jack, our pastor, invited him to come and be blessed and sent to that church. At the end of the service Pastor Jack called him up and told the church that anyone who felt that they had a word from God for the man should come and share it after they were done praying. So I figured that it would be neat to have a word, so I asked God for one. I heard "b. . . . .capital B. . . . . . .Blessings with a capital B . . . . in music. . . . . . . . .Tell him."
. . .So I'm like: ok. . .that's cool I guess. (but in the back of my mind I'm thinking that I'd really like a vision or something. You know, 'cause they sound more like they're from God than "Blessings with a capital 'B'")
Hang on for a sec:
I saw a red velvet pillow. It was square and trimmed with gold fringe and tassels on each corner, and it was spinning end over end in the darkness. I watched as it flew toward an old wicker-framed rocking chair. The chair was empty, but it was rocking anyway. The pillow flew over the chair, turned horizontal, and lowered very slowly into the seat of the chair. Then the chair stopped rocking and I saw something shiny and transparent rising out of the cushion. As it rose up I realized that it was a ghost-like raccoon poised with arms spread out and standing on one leg. AND SMILING! (I know, I know, but it's what I saw.) The raccoon looked at me and held one hand out in my direction, palm up, and out of his hand rose up a crystal grenade. The grenade lifted up and hovered above his hand and began spinning faster and faster and as it spun it began changing shape the way clay changes on a potter's wheel. It turned into a trumpet. And then I heard God say "You wanted a vision so you got one. Now go tell the man that I'm going to bless him with a capital B in music."
So I did. I found out the next week at a meeting when I shared this that the man was really concerned about his new church because they didn't have a worship team and he was going to have to use CD's for a while. Well we used a lot of CD music that Sunday and then God gave me that word for him. God is soooo Cool! And personal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A raccoon with a grenade. . . .I don't ask for visions after I already have a word anymore. :)
Oh my - THAT was funny!!! Kind of like me telling God that I thought Wendy was being stupid by having horses when she could not even provide for her family - and God said "Go buy her hay!" ROTF LOL!!! I learned to no judge other people's hearing of God and got to bless a friend as well :)