Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Matter of Perspective

I was praying and appologizing to God again about mistakes I'd made.  Seems like I was always apologizing about something.  I was just so desperate to be close to God, but I was always dealing with stuff.  

Then, with my eyes closed, I saw:
I was sitting at a table.  The table was white and stretched out in front of me.  On it were trophies and awards and prizes and such.  I knew right away that these represented the things I did right/ my accomplishments in life.  I didn't have a lot of time to appreciate them though, because there were other things, the kind of things that you don't put on a table, that obviously represented my sins, failures and mistakes.  There was just too much.  No matter where I looked the table would have trohphies, but ALWAYS there would be garbage or some ofther filth.  It was SOO frustrating!  All I wanted was to be close to God!  I just wanted to throw all of that other stuff away and be with God.
Then I heard:
"Turn around."
So I started to turn around.  This is when I realized that I was on a swivel chair.  And, as I turned around, I saw that the table only went around me as far as I could see IF I kept looking at the things on the table.  When I turned to see the source of the voice, (I knew it was God) the table stopped and there was a gap in it.  I stood up and fell to my knees in the lap/ arms/ embrace of my Father.  
God said "At any point in any day at any time you can turn your back on these things and be with Me.  Your life is a table that you cannot control, But I have made a way for you to be free of it to be with Me away from the things and worries there."

I have tried this in situations in life, when things got too tough and (though God had to remind me) when things were going well.  I stopped and closed my eyes and just looked for God.  No expectations but to find Him.  And He has met me every time.  It's like this bubble in the core of who I am, around the "real-est" me where God is there and nothing else matters.  In that moment the world outside the  "bubble" comes a little better into perspective.

I really love God, but what's way cooler than that is that He really loves me.

Those with ears to hear, LET THEM HEAR. 

            This is for EVERY ONE!


  1. As always, your writing blesses me. I love you.

  2. That is a neat perspective. I recently had a revelation about age - I might have told you in church - About how Caleb and Josh walked in the desert with the other Jews for 40 years until the others died out and THEN were allowed to enter into the promise in the fullness of their youth. It was like the 40 years were not added to their lives at all, AND that is when they begin their ministries.
