Monday, June 18, 2007

"Where Is Curly Mommy?"

I have mentioned before on Curly Mommy's Blog how much I respect her. I have been impressed with how real and honest she is in her testimonies and experiences. What I did not realize is that I have come to expect and even rely on her input on my blogs. I have heard that she has had computer troubles and for this reason she has not been blogging. Meanwhile, I have been waiting for her opinion on my latest blog. I have gotten comments in person from my wife and that is great, but I somehow feel like my blog is not complete until I know what Curly Mommy thinks. It's weird, but it's like I named her a "real person" on blogs and now I don't feel like I am unless she thinks so. ( not really. . . :). . . it's kind of like when you walk through the same door over and over and over again for years and every time you do, you raise your arm and slap the top of the door jam. . . and then someone raises the door jam a foot higher and when you go through, you swing to slap it and it's not there and you stumble forward wondering what just happened. . . it's kind of like that. . .only without the door or the slapping and stumbling and stuff.. . . . . . . Ok, my wife says that I'm rambling and that Curly Mommy just needs to come back.)

Come back, Curly Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. The respect is mutual. I really love the broken heart post! Keep writing, it is good stuff.

    Yardboy is gradually getting the computer back in order. Thank God I married a computer nerd!

    It is funny that you mentioned hitting the door jam. I've never been able to reach it! Man, I'm short. :)
